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School Nurse & Health Services

Welcome to the Day Middle School Health Room


Immunization Policy

Attention Incoming 7th Grade Parents: Immunization Policy

The state has mandated minimum immunization requirements for entry into 7th grade. Newton has a no entry policy regarding immunizations. Students who are not up to date will be excluded from school on the first day in September. In looking ahead to next September We have found many students who are lacking some portion of the requirements. In order to ensure a smooth transition into 7th grade We are asking that you contact your pediatrician and send in your child’s most recent physical exam including immunizations . You may fax it to us at 617-559-9103, scan and email to Gayle Larson or have your student hand-deliver it.
Please keep a copy for your records. The current requirements for every 7th grader are as follows:
•    A Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) within the last 5 years
•    Two doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella) vaccine
•    Two dose of Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccine or a physician certified history of the disease
     The complete policy is located here:  Immunization Requirements Memo

Medications in School

Please remember that the school nurse is responsible for administering all medications (over the counter as well as prescription) at school. If your child needs to have a medication at school the medication must be brought by an adult to school in a pharmacy labeled or manufacturer labeled container.

The following must also be completed and on file in the Nurse's Office prior to any medication administration:

  • Parental Consent
  • The child's physician/provider order-either signed on the Medication Permission Form or on provider's letterhead.  
    There are no exceptions to this policy. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

    Please use the Medication Permission Form found on the city school health page.
    Physician permission can be faxed to:  617-559-9103

Sports Physicals

Just a reminder, if your child wishes to play a sport they must have a current physical on file in the health office. A current physical is one that was dated within 13 months of the start date of the given sport. These must be submitted prior to tryouts. No student will be allowed to try out without the proper physical forms. If your child is planning to play a sport please plan accordingly.